Persoonlijk aandacht in kleine groepen
In Pilates gaat het om de details –als je je oefeningen correct uitvoert, ga je je lichaam op een totaal nieuwe manier ervaren. Maar doe je de oefeningen verkeerd, dan ben je eigenlijk gewoon bezig met het mindless herhalen van een beweging.
Smartbody werkt in kleine groepen (gemiddeld 6 tot 10 studenten, met een maximum van 12) en legt veel nadruk op gepersonaliseerde feedback. Dit is volgens ons de enige effectieve manier om de voordelen van groepslessen volledig te ervaren.
Kies een les:
Welke les je kiest hangt af van je niveau, ervaring, interesse en conditie:
– geen of weinig ervaring met Pilates: schrijf je in voor onze 6-weekse introductie-cursus: niveau I of niveau II
– enige ervaring met Pilates maar niet zeker van je niveau: neem één van onze basic lessen en bespreek je situatie met de docent
– Veel ervaring met Pilates: probeer alle opties uit!
– Als je herstelt van een blessure of als je chronische pijn hebt: neem direct contact op met ons. We bekijken je situatie en ontwikkelen een programma speciaal voor jou.
– Als je de Pilates equipment wilt proberen: met een basiskennis van Pilates kun je onze springboard lessen of equipment circuit proberen.
Introduction to Pilates I
Introduction to Pilates II
Intermediate and advanced
Intermediate Mat
Classic Mat
Advanced Mat
Intermediate Springboard
Intermediate/advanced Reformer quartet
Pilates Basics
Basic Springboard
Beginning Reformer quartet
Pregnancy and Postnatal Pilates Classes
Alexander technique group class
A six class basic course for anyone new to the Pilates Method. Fundamentals of breath, alignment and the essential repertoire of mat exercises. Classes meet once per week. Preregistration is required. This course fills up quickly so preregister now!
A six class basic course that builds on information covered in Intro A. Suitable for students who have followed Intro A or the equivalent at another studio. This course fills up quickly so preregister now!

This is our most basic open mat class. The content of the class varies depending on the teacher, but usually includes the “Basic Ten”: The Hundred, Rollup, Single Leg Circle, Single Leg Stretch, Scissors, Swan, Swimming, Side Kicks Series, Spine Twist and Plank. You are a beginner if you attend this class and you will still be instructed on when to stay “neutral”, when to “imprint” and on how to execute a proper Swan. If you have done some random Pilates throughout your life, but still feel hazy about what’s going on, this class is for you!
Intermediate and advanced – mat classes
This is the next level up from Pilates Basics. Intermediate classes are characterized by quicker pacing and the introduction of more “flow” – the stringing of one exercise after another. Most Intermediate level classes are likely to put you through the punishing “Ab Series”, as well as to tackle inversion exercises like the Rollover and the Corkscrew. In order to keep the pace of the lesson nice and snappy, we want you to stay with Pilates Basics until the “Basic Ten” are solidly under your belt.
The Springboard is basically a wall unit with different springs attached to it. The springs are characterised by different tension levels, creating a broad repertoire of exercises for your abs, back, arms, legs and entire body. Springboard classes “feel” different from mat classes given that the student is working with resistance, but the movement principles are the same. This is a great class to try if you’ve heard a lot of talk about Pilates “apparatus” without shelling out the money for a private lesson.
Equipment Group Classes

A 6 week reformer training on Tuesday evenings. Jelena takes 4 hardworking and enthusiastic students through a fluid 60 minute class on the Reformers. Small group = big payoff. For advanced students only. 150 Euros for the six week course. This course fills up quickly and requires preregistration
Learn to move and breathe well in your pregnancy and post-baby months. The Pilates Method is safe and pleasurable way to exercise during pregnancy and postnatal recovery; working postural tone, protecting joints and increasing body awareness. Let Smartbody’s experienced Pilates teachers guide you!